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Knižnice a Bibliografie

Never Forget and Never Forgive! – Holocaust Chronicle – An extensive collection of Holocaust documentation, cca 66 Website,  Each site has been carefully examined and evaluated by the staff and administrators of „Svět nikdy nesmí zapomenout na Holocaust, popírat jej nebo jej zlehčovat!

Knihovna vídeňského Wiesenthalova centra pro studium Holocaustu.

Jewish Encyclopedia – Over 15,000 articles and illustrations, originally published between 1901-1906

Jewish Women –  A Comprehensive Historical Encyclopedia – Over 1,700 biographies, 300 thematic essays, and 1,400 photographs and illustrations on a wide range of Jewish women through the centuries.

Encyclopedia of the Founders and Builders of Israel –  Compiled and published by David Tidhar. A project of Touro College Libraries. Hebrew with English interface 

Jewish Virtual Library – Most comprehensive online Jewish encyclopedia in the world, covering everything from anti-Semitism to Zionism.

YIVO Encyclopedia of Jews in Eastern Europe – Jediným zdrojom svojho druhu, tento encyklopédie poskytuje najúplnejší obraz o histórii a kultúre Židov vo východnej Európe od začiatku ich osídlenia v tomto regióne až do súčasnosti.

Judaica Europeana – Digitised materials showing the Jewish contribution to European cities

Könyvtár –  Knižnica – Vzdelávacie centrum Chabad Lubavitch Budapest

Central Zionist Archives in Jerusalem – Neoceniteľné fondy

Academic Jewish Studies Internet Directory – Knižnica a zdroje

Compact Memory – Internet-Archiv jüdischer Periodika

Exilpresse – Full-text of 30 Jewish German newspapers published between 1933-1945 – German

Digitale Sammlungen - Judaica Goethe-Universität Frankfurt/M

The Vidal Sassoon International Center for the Study of Antisemitis. On-line bibliografie k dějinám antisemitismu a Holocaustu.

Bibliografie zur Geschichte der Juden in den böhmischen Ländern, der Tschechoslowakei bzw. Tschechiens im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert. Collegium Carolinum. Bibliografie k Židovským dějinám 19. a 20. století v českých zemích.

University Library –  HathiTrust, HathiTrust Research Center– University of Michigan

LIBRARY AND ARCHIVES – Hoover Institution, Stanford University

The Association of Jewish Libraries – Research Libraries, Archives, and Special Collections

Bibliography Bank – Title, Author, Date

Project GUTENBERG – First and largest single collection of free electronic books, or eBooks

OECD iLibrary – Online Library –  Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)

The Library of  U.S. Congress –  largest library in the world, with millions of books, recordings, photographs, maps and manuscripts

Gallica, la Bibliothèque numérique de la Bibliothèque nationale de France

Le Blog du Bibliophile, des Bibliophiles, de la Bibliophilie et des Livres Anciens

Association des amis de la Bibliothèque nationale de France

La Bibliothèque électronique du Québec

La Bibliothèque russe et slave a pour but de faire connaître du public francophone la richesse de la littérature russe classique 

WDL – World Digital Library – WDL developed  U.S. Library of Congress, United Nations Education, Scientific, and Cultural Organization UNESCO

Dokusfera – National Library of Russia – Докусфера -Российская национальная библиотека


BIBLIOPHIKA – Electronic library GPIB Russia, created on the basis of digitized funds of the State Public Historical Library of Russia – Электронная библиотека ГПИБ России, созданная на основе оцифрованных фондов Государственной публичной исторической библиотеки России.
467912 страниц в 1235 томах

National Library of the Czech Republic – Národní knihovna České republiky

National Library of Austria –  Die Österreichische Nationalbibliothek

NotArtistic Literature – biology, physics, chemistry, mathematics, medicine, engineering, geology, astronomy – НеХудожественная Литература – биология, физика, химия, математика, медицина, техника, геология, астрономия.

UCSB Department of History University of California, Santa Barbara 

Prof. Harold Marcuse, UCSB Department of History University of California

Library Catalog – Books, Journals, Music and More –  University of Texas Libraries

Harvard’s Libraries & Archives

HOLLIS - Harvard OnLine Library Information System


George A. Smathers Libraries – University of Florida

Digital Library of the Caribbean (dLOC)

Deutsche Nationalbibliothek – Deutsche Nationalbibliothek hat die Aufgabe, lückenlos alle deutschen und deutschsprachigen Publikationen ab 1913

Digital Library of Georgia – Digitálna knižnica viac ako 200 zbierok z 60 inštitúcií a 100 vládnych agentúr

Co je vidět a co není vidět – Claude Frédéric Bastiat

Zákon – Claude Frédéric Bastiat

EKONOMICKÁ SOFISMATA – Claude Frédéric Bastiat

Petice výrobců svíček – Claude Frédéric Bastiat

Library of Liberty The Collected Works of Claude Frédéric Bastiat 

National Institute of Informatics  – Digital Silk Road Project – Digital Archive of Toyo Bunko Rare Books

National Library of China and National Digital Library of China, Beijing: open-source full-text databases of doctoral dissertations; local gazetteers before the Republican period; Republican-era books, journals and legal code; image databases of oracle bone writings, rubbings, New Year's prints, Xixia materials; selected rare books

Second Historical Archives of China, Nanjing

DICTIONARY of Targumim, Talmud and Midrashic Literature by Marcus Jastrow –1926 

MORFIX – Dictionary, Hebrew-Hebrew and Hebrew-English

DAVAR Bible Dictionary Prof. Adolf Novotný 1956

The Encyclopedia of Marxism - aims to be the most complete reference guide to Marxism

OUP – Oxford University Press – publishes the highest quality journals and delivers this research to the widest possible audience.

Academic dictionaries and encyclopedias – Wörterbücher und Enzyklopädien auf der Akademik

Universitätsbibliothek Johann Christian Senckenberg, E-Journals, E-Books, Datenbanken

Münchener Digitalisierungszentrums – Digitale Bibliothek – Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek

Elektronischen Dokumente Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main

Digitale Sammlungen Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main

Publication Server of Goethe University Frankfurt am Main

Rothschild-Sammlung Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main

Digitale Sammlungen Judaica: mehr als 10.000 Titel online

Jewish self-government in the middle ages by Louis Finkelstein 1924

E-Book-Sammlungen – Die Bayerische Staatsbibliothek

WEITERE WEBSITES – Bayerische Staatsbibliothek

Die Bayerische Staatsbibliothek

Bibliotheksforum Bayern

Bałaban, Majer – 1877–1942, historian and educator. Majer Bałaban was a founder and architect of modern Polish Jewish historiography and the first to synthesize both Polish archival sources and Jewish communal records and rabbinic responsa.

Bałaban, Majer – Tom I.1304-1655. Toldot Hayehudim Bekrakov Uvekazimierz, 1304-1868, – The History of the Jews in Krakow and Kazimierz, 1304-1868, – Historja Żydów w Krakowie i na Kazimierzu, 1304-1868, Tom I, 1304-1655, DJVU

Bałaban, Majer – Tom II.1656-1868. Toldot Hayehudim Bekrakov Uvekazimierz, 1304-1868, – The History of the Jews in Krakow and Kazimierz, 1304-1868, – Historja Żydów w Krakowie i na Kazimierzu, 1304-1868, Tom II, 1656-1868,DJVU

Dictionary of Jewish Biography Dan Cohn-Sherbok

Pinkas, Kahal, a Medien – Stefan Litt – The Records of Dutch Ashkenazi Communities in the Eighteenth Century as Historical Sources, Dutch Republic Amsterdam

Compact Memory – dem Wissenschaftsportal für Jüdische Studien – Besuchen Sie unsere Bibliothek mit weit über 100 jüdischen Periodika zwischen 1806 und 1938